However, it handled only a subset of the XSLT language, and as the technology developed, the performance gains achieved by full compilation were dwindling. 但是,它只处理XSLT语言的一个子集,并且随着开发的发展,通过减少完整编译来达到性能增长。
Within DTrace, developers can write scripts in the D programming language ( a subset of the C language but modified to support trace-specific behaviors). 在DTrace中,开发人员可以用D编程语言(C语言的子集,但修改为支持跟踪行为)编写脚本。
XML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML) and is designed to provide meta-information about the content of a given XML document. XML是StandardGeneralizedMarkupLanguage(SGML)的一个子集,被设计来提供关于某个给定XML文档的内容的元信息(meta-information)。
Attempto Controlled English is a rich subset of standard English designed to serve as specification and knowledge representation language, including for business rules. AttemptoControlledEnglish是标准英语的一个丰富的子集,它被设计用来作为规范和知识表示语言,包括业务规则。
This method of access extends further to a subset of XML Path Language ( XPath). 此访问方法进一步扩展为了XML路径语言(XMLPathLanguage,Xpath)的一个子集。
This stylesheet defines a small subset of XHTML, translating it into the intermediate page-rendering XML dialect of the second stylesheet, a "flowing text" language. 此样式表将定义XHTML的小型子集,将其转换为第二个样式表的呈现页面的中间XML方言(“连续文本”语言)。
It is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML); it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information. 它是标准通用标记语言(SGML)的一个子集,采用文本方式应用和描述信息的树状结构。
In BPEL, the language for specifying business protocols is a subset of the language used for specifying executable processes. 在BPEL中,指定业务协议的语言是用于指定可执行流程的语言的子集。
It is mostly implemented using a subset of the Java language named Joe-E. 它主要通过Java语言的一个子集(称为Joe-E)实现。
The metamodel was defined using an elementary subset of UML, and was supplemented by a set of formal constraints written in the Object Constraint Language ( OCL). 使用UML的基本子集来定义这个元模型,并且通过一系列在对象约束语言中(OCL)正式的强制进行补充。
During the period from1970s to1980s, a comprehensive subset of subject headings for Chinese language materials was graduately established in the library of Congress classification system so that almost a full spectrum of ancient and contemporary Chinese topics can be widely covered. 在20世纪70-80年代之间,国会图书馆中文资料主题标引综合子集逐渐建立,几乎涵盖了所有古代和当代中文主题。
I do think that for each process language, a BPMN subset can be defined that matches well with that language. 我确实认为为每一个过程语言都可定义一个与之很好匹配的BPMN子集。
This will require using a restricted subset of the language, though hopefully there will be tools to help developers know when they cross the line into F#-only code. 这就要求使用有限的语言子集,尽管可以期望工具能告知开发人员哪些是只适用于F的代码,但人们还是会感觉到诸多限制。
In terms of the authors sketch of design and verification of safety programs, a pointer logic system is designed for a subset of C-like language. 文中根据作者所设想的安全程序的设计和证明框架,为类C语言的一个子集设计了一个指针逻辑系统。
Phonetics is the study of speech sounds that human voice is capable of creating whereas phonology is the study of a subset of those sounds that constitute language and meaning. 语音学是研究在言语中人类嗓音所能发出的语音,而音系学则是研究这些语音中能形成语音和意义的一个子集。
The Go language on Google App Engine is a subset of the full Go language, avoiding the unsafe and syscall libraries, but including AppEngine specific APIs such as DataStore, Blobstore and so on. GAE上的Go语言是整个Go语言的一个子集,没有unsafe和syscall库,但是包括了AppEngine特定的API,比如DataStore、Blobstore等等。
It's also possible to only expose a subset of the process language, creating very simple domain specific process languages, for example to specify approvals in a document management system. 也可以只暴露过程语言的子集,创建非常简单的领域特定过程语言,例如文档管理系统中用来指定批准的语言。
XML is a drastically simplified subset of the W3C's Structured General Markup Language ( SGML). XML是W3C结构化通用标记语言(SGML)的一个大大简化了的子集。
Java card technology combines a subset of Java programming language with a runtime environment optimized for smart cards. Java Card is a new system for programming smart cards. It is based on the Java language and Java Card Virtual Machine. 近年来,Java技术与智能卡技术的结合产生了Java卡,Java卡是一种新型的智能卡,它基于Java语言和Java卡虚拟机JCVM(JavaCardVirtualMachine),是智能卡发展的方向。
As a subset of SGML markup language, XML can represent structured and semi-structured data very well, so it has been the standard of data exchange and information represent on Internet or among applications. XML作为SGML标记语言的一个子集,由于它能很好地表示结构化和半结构化数据,而逐渐成为Internet上或应用程序间数据交换和信息表示的标准。
Similar to HTML, the XML is a subset of the SGML. It is a general language for more in keeping with Web distribute environment. 与HTML一样,XML是SGML的一个子集,是为了更加适合Web的分布式环境而开发的一种通用语言。
XML is a subset of SGML, and also called meta language. XML是标准通用标记语言(SGML)的子集,又称元语言。
Basing upon a strict mathematical theory, the programming language FFP [ 1] is a purely functional programming language and a subset of the reduction language(?) 4 [ 2,3]. FFP语言是这样的一种纯粹的泛函程序设计语言,它奠基于严格的数学理论基础之上,是归约语言L4的一个子类。
Windows CE 3.0 operating system extends developer ′ s practicable options by providing a subset with eXtensible Marked Language ( XML). WINDOWSCE3.0操作系统通过提供可扩展标记语言(XML)功能的子集,扩展了开发人员可用的选项范围。
We have implemented a certifying compiler that translates programs written in a type safe subset of the C programming language into highly annotated Intel x86/ linux assembly language programs. 我们设计的编译器认证编译器已经实现了这些算法,并完成了从用C编程语言的类型安全子集编写的源程序到携带注解的Intelx86/linux汇编语言程序的编译过程。
Java card technology combines a subset of Java programming language with a runtime environment optimized for smart cards. Java卡技术是Java语言嵌入到智能卡环境的一个新的应用,支持Java语言的一个子集,Java卡API与密码技术相关的两个扩展包是:JavaCard。
Precisely, we define a subset of Java virtual machine language ( JVML), present a type system and an operational semantics for the subset, and prove the soundness of the type system with respect to the operational semantics. 具体地,本文定义了Java虚拟机语言(JVML)的一个子集,给出了该子集的类型系统和操作语义,并根据操作语义证明了该类型系统的可靠性。
Therefore, as a typical subset of language memes, buzzword meme evolves, and it is imitated by language users and propagated among them. 流行语作为特殊的语言模因,被语言使用者模仿,通过进化得以生存。